When is this offer available?
This offer for Thermomix® Consultants in Australia is available from 12:01AM Tuesday 9 May 2023 to 12:00pm midnight Tuesday 4 July 2023 AWST.
How the consultant incentive works?
When you join as a consultant and start your 60 day program you are also eligible for any standard consultant incentives.
Starting on the 9 May and running until 4 July there is a “super incentive” available for Australian consultants, which you can be a part of if you join up as a consultant.
A limited edition Sparkling Black Thermomix® TM6 is coming to Australia soon. Consultants have the opportunity to earn this by earning just five points in the incentive period. One point is earned for each sale, and two points for each new consultant introduced to the business who then makes one sale in their first 30 days.
When will new consultants start earning the Sparkling Black Thermomix® TM6
One of the requirements when you start as a Thermomix® Consultant is that you own a Classic White Thermomix® TM6.
You need to own and use for demos the actual machine that is available for customers to buy at all times – which is the Classic White Thermomix® TM6. Owning the current model and using it everyday in your own home also means you can genuinely and honestly recommend it and answer questions about all it can do.
If you don't already own a TM6, you can purchase when joining as a consultant or utilise the Earn Program to earn your Thermomix® during your 60 Day Program.
If you join as a Thermomix® Consultant in Australia now, you have the option to use the Earn 4 promotion to earn your Classic White Thermomix® TM6 with your first four sales (rather than the standard 6 sales), and then start earning points for the limited edition Sparkling Black Thermomix® TM6 from your next sales. You can even earn points towards the incentive from bringing in new consultants while still earning your Classic White Thermomix® TM6. Incredible!
If you already own a Thermomix® TM6 or you choose to use another payment option for your new white TM6, then you will be earning commission and incentive points for the Sparkling Black Thermomix® TM6 from your very first sale.
Either way, you could very well have two Thermomix® TM6s on your bench in no time.
This incentive is incredibly generous and definitely has everyone excited. Who wouldn't want to earn a free Thermomix®?