Thermomix TM6 Sales and Training in Australia

Earn your Thermomix® with just three sales as a Thermomix® Consultant

When you decide to buy a new Thermomix® TM6, one of the methods of payment you can choose is to earn your Thermomix®.

Many people join to earn their Thermomix® and then leave, which is absolutely fine. Many more join to earn with the intention of leaving and then stick around! The choice is yours.

The EARN program is exactly what I did and it normally involves selling six Thermomix® TM6s in your 60 day program to earn your Thermomix in full. However, right now this requirement has been reduced to just THREE sales – incredible! 

This offer gives you so much:

  • The opportunity to pay for your Thermomix® with your time instead of your money.
  • You will receive the current gift with purchase offer with your new TM6 (valued at $695)
  • Sell three TM6s in 60 days and your TM6 is free for you.
  • The deposit required at the start is also discounted. Pay just $480 (normally $849) when you sign up and your TM6 will be sent to you. You can even pay the deposit using AfterPay, ZipMoney or Humm if you choose.
  • The deposit will be refunded when you sell your third Thermomix®.
  • There is more! You now get a free essentials business kit to get you started.
  • You will also earn a free gift for each sale in your first 60 days (up to six sales), valued in total at over $1000.
  • Sign up for 60 days only and then choose whether to stay or go.
  • Sign up by 12 February to access this offer.

When is this offer available?

Two women using a Thermomix in a kitchen.
This offer is only available for new Consultants with a 60 Day Program start date between 15 January 2025 and 13 February 2025 (inclusive), who sign an agreement between 9am AWST 15 January 2025 and 3pm AWST 12 February 2025.
TM6 Ambassadors are eligible if they have had this status for six or more months.

What if I don't make three Thermomix® sales?

At the end of your 60 day program your total sales are determined. If you have made three or more sales, then you do not owe anything and your deposit is returned to you.

If you have made less than three sales, then you will still owe some money for your Thermomix® TM6 and you will be invoiced for the remaining balance.

Remember you have already paid the deposit, which is deducted from any balance. Plus if you have made one or two sales you will pay less based on the commission due for your sales.

You can only earn one TM6 under this agreement. If you have more than three sales in the 60 day program, then you will be paid the standard consultant commission on those additional sales. 

You are also eligible for all consultant incentives during your 60 day program.

How much money will I save on my Thermomix®?

When you choose to earn your Thermomix®, then starting as a consultant and making sales is the way you are effectively paying for your TM6.

If you decided instead to pay for your TM6 upfront, then you would instead earn commission immediately from your first sale.

So let's look at the price, commission and savings of each option, assuming you make three sales in your first 60 days.

Option 1: Purchase a TM6

  • Purchase price: $2579
  • Commission earned for three sales if all sales are in one calendar month: $1095
  • Commission earned for three sales if sales are split across two calendar months: $805

Option 2: Earn a TM6

  • Deposit for TM6: $480 (refunded after 3 sales)
  • You pay with your time to sell the Thermomix®
  • You will not receive commission on the first three sales you make, as this is allocated to you earning your TM6. Therefore the “cost” of your TM6 is either $805 or $1095. That is the commission you would have earned if making three sales under Option 1. Such a great saving when compared with the full price of $2579.

The free gifts you receive with each sale in your first 60 Days

The Earn 3 offer also comes with some additional rewards, valued at over $1000 if you earn them all. 

During your 60 day program you will earn a free gift for each sale, up to six sales. These are:

  1. Thermomix® Carry Bag
  2. Thermomix® Cutter
  3. Thermomix® Server, 2.6L round
  4. Thermomix® Baking Mat & Oven Mat Duo
  5. Blade Cover & Peeler, and Spiralizer
  6. Bowl, Blade and Lid Set

You are also eligible for standard consultant incentives, and will earn commission after three sales.

Join Thermomix to earn rewards and commissions.

Learn more about what is involved in starting as a Thermomix® Consultant

I have a lot more information to share with you about starting out as a Thermomix® Consultant.

Please click through to my other posts that will help you with some of the questions you have.


Any more questions about being a Thermomix® Consultant?

If you would like more information about this particular offer than please get in touch and I can send you everything you need to know.

I am more than happy to share my experiences with you if you are thinking that being a Thermomix® consultant may be for you.

I look forward to hearing from you to chat about you starting your Thermomix® business and earning a new Thermomix® TM6 for you.

Of course, if you already own a Thermomix® TM6 (Black or White), and would like to know more about starting as a consultant, then please also get in touch using the form below.

  • Please note that I am an Australian Thermomix® Consultant and can only assist you if you live in Australia.
  • Please enter your suburb/town and state or territory

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