Thermomix TM6 Sales and Training in Australia

Introducing the Thermomix® Customer Referrals Program

Thermomix® in Australia have introduced a customer referrals program, where you get the rewards for referring new Thermomix® customers to your consultant.

In this post I will detail how this works for you.

What are the rewards provided in the Thermomix® Customer Referral Program?

First things first! We all want to know what you will receive if you refer a customer to your Thermomix® consultant.

If you follow the process outlined below and your friend uses your referral link to contact me, and then purchases a Thermomix®, then you will receive a $50 voucher from The MixShop.

There will also be special offers from time to time where the reward for referrals will be something different.

Click here to visit the Current Offers page.

Free access to my online video training for Thermomix® and Cookidoo®

One more thing! All of my customers receive free access to my online training videos for Thermomix® and Cookidoo®. Therefore, this will be provided to your friend when they purchase.

In addition, following their purchase, if you do not already have access, you will also be provided with free access.

Click here to learn more about the ThermoJo 30 Day Kickstart, online video training for Thermomix® and Cookidoo®. 

How do I refer a friend through the Thermomix® Customer Referral Program?

To refer a friend and be linked to their subsequent Thermomix® purchase, you must send your friend your personal and unique referral link.

You, and your friend, can live anywhere in Australia. You can send your link to as many friends as you like.

To request your referral link, please complete the form below and I will send this to you.

When your friend clicks on your link, they will be taken to the Thermomix® website and asked to complete a contact form. 

Once the form is submitted, I will receive their details and contact them. They may then decide to go ahead with a purchase, or may decide to have a Thermomix® demo instead.

If your friend decides to purchase a Thermomix®, the link to you as the referee remains and you will be sent your reward by email.

Can I still host a Thermomix® demo?

Yes, you most definitely can host a Thermomix® demo and invite your friends along. This is the ideal way for them to see the Thermomix® in action.

If you live near me in Cairns, then you can host in your own home, or at my place. If you live anywhere else, then I can do a demo online and everyone can attend from the comfort of their own home.

When you host a demo, you become eligible for Host Rewards. 

Click here to see the current Host Rewards

Get in touch about referring a friend or hosting a Thermomix® demo

Please complete the form below to request your unique referral code, to ask about booking a Thermomix® demo, or anything else!

I will be in touch very soon.

  • Please provide your suburb/town and state/territory.
  • Select all options that apply

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