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You can see in the images above a few of the recipes I have cooked recently.

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Note that the links are to Cookidoo®. You will need an active Cookidoo® subscription to see the recipe steps. You can see the ingredients without being logged in.

From left to right…

  • Caramelised Red Onion Chutney: this recipe has been in my “try soon” folder in Cookidoo® for ages. Finally I got to make it recently in our team cooking class. It is really good and lovely with cheese. I am going to try with less sugar and see how that goes too.
  • Lemon Curd: super simple – four ingredients in the bowl and straight onto Thicken Mode and the Thermomix does the rest. So yum. I made this as I wanted to film it, so then we had to eat it! I can confirm it is lovely with icecream and also stirred through plain yoghurt!
  • Garlic Prawns: this was a first for me and I love it. Such a simple dish using frozen prawns. I halved the amount of prawns, as that was all we needed. Then with the remaining sauce (basically a tomato based soup) for a second meal I cooked the prawns using the Chilli Garlic Prawn recipe, which uses high heat, and added that to the sauce. A perfect meal with a slice of garlic toast (using my own bread – still obsessed with bread making 😆)
  • Spaghetti Bolognese: there are a few bolognese recipes on Cookidoo®, so it is worth trying to find what suits you. The one I have linked to is pretty good but I found it a little runny. I have made amendments to it so it is the same as my old TM31 recipe. Basically, only adding the meat at Step 3, and cooking for 10 minutes (with wine added at 5 minutes), then adding everything else and cooking for 15 minutes on Speed Soft without butterfly. I use either a tin of tomatoes or passata, depending on what I have in the pantry.
  • Risotto: there are a heap of risotto recipes on Cookidoo®, but I always use the Mushroom Risotto (TM6) recipe and at the step to add the muchrooms I add whatever I like! This process comes from the Mushroom Risotto being the only risotto recipe in the old TM31 cookbook that I have always adapted and it is always great – so why mess with it? I do use the TM6 version of this recipe that uses the High Heat function in two steps, and this really does improve the flavour and end result. It is a great recipe and a staple in this house.
  • Pizza dough: talking of staples, have you made the pizza dough? Super quick and easy, only needs 30-60 minutes to prove into a lovely soft dough. Last week I used about a third of the dough for a pizza and the rest to make some spinach, cheese and salami scrolls for the freezer.

Have you tried any of these recipes before? Let me know in the comments if you give them a go or have any questions.

Cookidoo® is the Thermomix® recipe database.
You need an account to view the full recipe details.
Without an account you can see the ingredients but not the cooking method. 
Click here to start your Cookidoo® free trial.

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