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This Chocolate Hazelnut Torte is amazing.

This is the recipe to make if you want to impress your guests, but don't want to do anything tricky. It is a super simple recipe that has a lot of impact, and flavour of course.

I made this for my husband Dale's birthday a few months ago and we were very happy! The first serve on the day it was made was a soft fudgey centre, and then after longer refridgeration the other serves were more firm and dense and still amazing.

Definitely try this one. I am planning to do it again over the next week or so while my Mum is visiting us. She will be impressed! 

Why this recipe is a winner:

  • You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry or fridge already
  • Just 5 steps in Cookidoo®
  • 10 minutes active time only
  • 45 minutes total time until ready (although you do need to let it cool…)
  • Because it is on Cookidoo®, it uses guided cooking so you cannot miss a step or an ingredient.
  • It is super delicious and you would be paying a bit to order these at a restaurant

Have you tried this? What is your go to recipe to impress someone?

Click here for the Thermomix® Chocolate Hazelnut Torte recipe.

Cookidoo® is the Thermomix® recipe database.
You need an account to view the full recipe details.
Without an account you can see the ingredients but not the cooking method. 
Click here to start your Cookidoo® free trial.

1 thought on “Recipe: Chocolate Hazelnut Torte Using Your Thermomix”

  1. This is a really decadent, gooey chocolate torte and really delicious.
    It is softer and gooier when fresh / first made which I really like. It does go firmer the next day but is still excellent.
    It was really superb as a birthday treat but have also had it when friends came to stay and it definitely impressed them.
    Highly recommend serving with raspberry coulis that of course you can also make in your Thermomix very easily.

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