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Meal planning really makes everyday life a little easier, but I have to admit that it doesn't happen for me every week. But this week I have a plan and I am sharing it here with you.

I hope my meal plan provides you with some inspiration and ideas for your Thermomix® cooking.

How I do my meal plan

My first step is to go through Cookidoo® and look through my saved recipes to see if anything appeals for this week. I often also search for some new recipes based on what I feel like eating. I add recipes to My Week, which is the meal planning facility in Cookidoo®.

I also have a heap of recipes that I like that are not on Cookidoo®, but have been collected over the years. Some of these are Thermomix® recipes from cookbooks, and many others are not specific Thermomix® recipes, but in many cases I have adapted them to be made in the Thermomix®.

If I have a week where I have recipes from different sources, then I will print out my ThermoJo Meal Planning template to use. On this I can write each day's meals and where it is recorded, make a note of the basics I need to restock, snacks to make, and note when we are either eating out of having leftovers.

I then create my shopping list in Cookidoo®, add in items I need for other recipes and send these over to Woolworths if I am doing an online shop.

Today I have just finished my online order for all pantry items. This afternoon I will head to the fresh food market to get my meat, fruit and vegetables and anything else I need for tonight's meal.

All set and feeling organised!

Click here to grab your copy of the ThermoJo Meal Planning template.

This week: Restock Basics and Regulars

Each week there are normally some basics that need restocking, along with some regular favourites to make that form part of lunches or snacks.

This week, I will be making:

  • Vegetable Stock Paste: a Thermomix® basic and classic, used in many recipes. This recipe is super simple, you can use whatever herbs and veggies you have on hand, and it is a great way to clear out the fridge. It will keep in the fridge for several months.
  • Caramelised Red Onion Chutney: I first made this just a month or so ago and it is very very good. I am going to test it out with less sugar this time.
  • Peeled Garlic: garlic is probably in almost all my main meals, so having a stash of already peeled garlic in the freezer is a wonderful time saver. This recipe uses the Blade Cover and Peeler to easily peel several bulbs of garlic in just a minute or less.
  • Simple granola: I haven't made this before, I usually do another non-Thermomix® recipe. I will give this a go and probably change the ingredients a bit, but it will work well to combine everything properly.
  • Fruit coulis: this is a semi regular recipe in our house. It is great with ice cream or yoghurt. I always make it with frozen fruit and it works out perfectly. You can adjust the sugar to suit you, or leave out. I will be making a raspberry coulis, and straining out the small pips.

This week: Three Dinners and Plenty of Leftovers

Each week I like to make three main meals from Monday to Wednesday, with leftovers on Thursday. Ideally I also prep those meals and cook ahead so I am not cooking each night. 

Friday night is normally a couple of drinks, cheese, maybe some homemade dip or pate. Saturday we may be out (as we will be this week), or else I will throw something together from whatever we have – or perhaps takeaway. Sunday is meant to be easy, so could just be eggs or grab something from the freezer stash.

This week, I will be making:

  • Basil Pesto: my new basil plants are going crazy and ready to start eating, so I will be making some pesto today. This will be used in tonight's dinner.
  • Pesto spaghetti with roast pumpkin: this recipe is more a placeholder for me, for a similar dish I have been doing for years. I will look at the method though and may adopt some of it. My recipe is basically tomatoes with thyme, plus pumpkin into the oven, then served with spaghetti and pesto, with some fried prosciutto on top. Yum.
  • Beef rendang: another new recipe for me, but I do love a curry. Looking forward to this. Will make a day before we want to eat it to let the flavours develop more.
  • Naan bread: super easy naan to accompany the curry. Well worth the effort to make your own. Plus, if you have made the curry a day early, then this is all you have to do on the night.
  • Beef Fajitas: we love Mexican in this house! I will be making chicken fajitas, using this recipe. This recipes uses the Thermomix high heat mode to cook the capsicum and onion as well as the meat. So much easier for you than being at the stove stir frying for ages. This one is a winner!

Remember, if there are recipes on Cookidoo® that you always make some amendments to, then you can save your versions.

Click here to learn exactly how to edit and save Cookidoo® recipes.

Follow my cooking on the ThermoJo Socials

So now you know what I plan to cook, you can follow along on my social media accounts as I show you the results and some of the methods used.

I post stories on Instagram and Facebook as I cook with my Thermomix®.

Feel free to tag me in your cooking too!

Cookidoo® is the Thermomix® recipe database.
You need an account to view the full recipe details.
Without an account you can see the ingredients but not the cooking method. 
Click here to start your Cookidoo® free trial.

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