Thermomix TM6 Sales and Training in Australia

In this post I compare the Thermomix® TM31 to the TM6. If you have a TM5 model, then click here to read that comparison.

Do you remember what was the main reason you wanted to buy your Thermomix® TM31?

For me, buying my TM31 way back in 2009, was about taking away the nightly stress around cooking dinner after a long day at work. I knew it would save me time and help me enjoy cooking again, and it did both very quickly.

Over time I learned more and made so many things that I would never have considered trying before. It really did provide that confidence in the kitchen.

Now with the TM6, my experience is all that and more. This really is like the TM31 with superpowers. Being connected to Cookidoo® and using guided cooking really is a game changer. So much so, that I really do try to use Cookidoo® recipes as much as I can. 

I had thought about upgrading for a while and really wonder why did it take me so long!

Click here to read about my experiences of earning my TM6 as a Thermomix® Consultant. 

Compare the Thermomix® TM31 and TM6

The table below outlines the key differences between the current Thermomix® TM6 and the earlier TM31 model.

When viewing on a mobile phone, you may need to turn your screen to landscape orientation to see all columns easily.

Feature Thermomix® TM31 Thermomix® TM6
Guided Cooking Not available WiFi Connection
Manual Cooking Supported Supported
Cookidoo® 3.0 Not integrated Fully integrated
Customised Modes Not available 16 modes
Blade Cover & Peeler Not supported Supported
Thermomix® Cutter Not supported Supported
Customised Sounds Not supported Supported
Mixing Bowl Size 2 Litres 2.2 Litres
Varoma Size 3 Litres 3.3 Litres
Bowl Lid Manual locking lid Auto locking arms
Screen Size Small: time or scales only 15.2cm x 20.3cm
Scales 5 g incrememts (to 100g)
10g increments (over 100g)
Maximum weight 2kg
1g increments
Maximum weight 3kg
Maximum Temperature 120 degrees 160 degrees
Maximum Cooking Time 60 minutes Unlimited

Guided Cooking and Cookidoo®

Cookidoo® is an online recipe platform that includes over 80,000 recipes for the Thermomix®. 

By connecting your Thermomix® TM6 to Cookidoo® , you can use guided cooking to take you through recipes step-by-step.

You do still have the option to use the manual mode, where you select the time, temperature and speed for each step in your cooking. Using Cookidoo®, these settings are already programmed into the recipe and all you need to do is follow the instructions on the screen as you add ingredients.

Importantly, even with Guided Cooking, you can still change the settings as you go if you want to make some modifications.

The short videos below introduce you to guided cooking on the Thermomix® TM6, and give you an introduction to Cookidoo®. It really is as easy as it looks.

Should I upgrade to the Thermomix® TM6?

Well, only you can decide if now is the right time to upgrade. I can tell you that as much as you love your TM31, you won't regret it!

I used my Thermomix® TM31 for 12 years before upgrading in 2021. The change in models has been really easy, while at the same time having so many new things to explore. I was already using Cookidoo® for recipe ideas, and then cooking manually with the TM31.

For me the best changes are:

  • Guided Cooking is my favourite upgrade feature. It makes everything so much quicker.
  • The high heat mode on the TM6 is incredible. It is even used in risotto and makes the already amazing risotto even better.
  • The fermentation mode makes yoghurt making even easier. Just leave your yoghurt overnight and it is perfect when you get up.
  • I also love the Warm Up mode for reheating. An easier process and better result than using the microwave, and you can walk away and come back when it is perfect.

Since I bought my TM6, two new accessories have been introduced, along with three new modes. These accessories are not compatible with the smaller bowl of the TM31.

To learn more about the TM6 model:
Click here to head to the post: Thermomix® TM6 – what can it do?
Click here to visit the ThermoJo YouTube Channel.

Don't forget, that you do not need to host or attend a demo to purchase a Thermomix®. 
Click here to read all about purchasing without a demo.

Ask me all your questions about upgrading from the TM31 to the Thermomix® TM6

If you have some questions about upgrading from the TM31 to the Thermomix® TM6, then please complete the form below.

I am more than happy to answer all your questions and to show you the TM6 and the TM Cutter.

  • Please provide your suburb/town and state/territory.
  • You will receive my newsletter once or twice per month, with cooking inspiration and all the latest Thermomix® news.

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